About Fjellstrand Vel

Fjellstrand Vel is one of several charitable associations at Nesodden that were founded around the turn of the century. 

The first was Flaskebekk Vel in 1894, Oksval Vel in 1902 and then Hellvik Vel and Fjellstrand Vel on June 5, 1912.


Fjellstrand Vel is one of several Vel associations at Nesodden that were founded around the turn of the century. The first was Flaskebekk Vel in 1894, Oksval Vel in 1902 and then Hellvik Vel and Fjellstrand Vel on June 5, 1912.

An increasing number of summer villas and cabins were built throughout Nesodden. Nesodden had become a popular recreational spot for Oslo's better-off population. Until then, the people of Fjellstrand had made a living from farming and forestry, with large farms such as Fjell and Granerud Gård. Fjellstrand now developed into a center in the municipality.

There was a bustling business life with a bank, post office, meat shop, general store, grocery store, kiosks and café! The boat was the most important, and for a long time the only means of communication. Vellet was founded to solve and coordinate common tasks such as road development, piers and pier houses, road lighting and drinking water. There was digging, chopping and shoveling. The ladies baked cakes, held a bazaar and had a sewing club to raise money for Vellet. A huge number of volunteer hours were put in during these early years to develop infrastructure that has since become a municipal task.

Fjellstrand Vels Vannverk supplied the population with water from 1923 until 1963, when the municipality took over. Since its inception, Vellet has also been concerned with providing common outdoor areas for the population, and secured the beautiful Nyborgjordet area and the Paradisbukta bathing beach by founding its own partnership. To us today, it sounds strange that there was no free access to the sea - but there was no right of public access and most of the shoreline was privately owned. In Paradisbukta, the only place where there was shallow water and free access, timber was stored until late in the summer.

Vellet bought the beach in 1932, and after that it was possible to swim here - if you were a member of the cooperative, that is. The cliff tower was erected after the war and has been a landmark, clearly visible during the approach to Oslo.

Articles of association for Fjellstrand vel

Articles of association for Fjellstrand Vel founded June 6, 1912. The articles of association were adopted at the annual meeting on November 28, 1995, with amendments adopted at the annual meeting on March 18, 2003.


1.1 The purpose of Fjellstrand Vel is to safeguard the common interests of the people of Fjellstrand.

1.2 Vellet is politically independent.

1.3 The board of Fjellstrand Vel cooperates with other associations or institutions in matters of common interest.


2.1 Anyone who lives or has property in Fjellstrand can become a member of Fjellstrand Vel.

2.2 In order to be entitled to vote and speak at the annual meeting, the membership fee must be paid by the deadline set by the board.

2.3 Each membership has one vote. Members may, if they are prevented from attending the annual meeting, transfer this voting right in writing.

2.4 The members are obliged to participate in initiatives of common interest to the best of their ability.

2.5 Fjellstrand residents who over a number of years have shown great effort and interest in Fjellstrand and Vellet's work may, on the recommendation of the board, be granted honorary membership by the annual meeting.


Fjellstrand Vel carries out its activities through the following bodies:

  1. The annual meeting.

  2. Board of directors

  3. Permanently responsible for; roads, communal antenna, Nyborgjordet, the light trail, the swimming beach, the jetty and the tennis court.

  4. Committees appointed by the board or the annual meeting.

  5. Two auditors elected at the annual meeting.


4.1 The annual meeting is the association's highest authority.

Meetings are convened by the board of directors by means of posters and notices or by written notification to the members. The notice shall be sent out at least 14 days before the meeting date. The ordinary annual meeting is held every year by March.

An extraordinary annual meeting shall be held when the board deems it necessary or when at least 10 - ten - percent of the members make a written request.

The annual meeting is chaired by an elected chairman.

4.2 The annual meeting considers:

  1. The Board's annual report.

  2. Audited accounts with the auditors' review of the inventory.

  3. The Board's proposed work program for the coming period

  4. Proposals received. Proposals must be submitted to the chairman no later than 8 - eight - days before the meeting.

  5. Choice of;

  • leather

  • board members

  • two auditors

  • nomination committee of two members.


5.1 The Board of Directors consists of

  1. Leather

  2. Treasurer

  3. Secretary

  4. Six board members.

The board constitutes itself. The board constitutes a quorum when at least five members are present. In the event of a tie, the chairman has the casting vote.

5.2 The board is elected by the annual meeting. The chairman is elected for one year. The other board members are elected for two years. Elections are arranged so that at least four of the members are up for election each year.

5.3 The Board of Directors shall:

  1. Implement the resolutions of the annual meeting.

  2. Be responsible for Vellet's day-to-day management and safeguard members' interests in relation to other bodies.

  3. Manage Vellet's assets and properties.

  4. Appoint persons responsible for the roads, the communal antenna, Nyborgjordet, the light trail, the beach, the jetty and the tennis court.

  5. Appoint committees or individuals to perform specific tasks as required.

  6. Fulfill Vellet's purpose in accordance with the current articles of association.

  1. Minutes of proceedings, which include annual reports, minutes from annual meetings and board meetings and other items of interest to the association's activities.

  2. Member directory.

  3. Other books as determined by the Board.


The association's accounts shall be organized in such a way that the finances of the various activities are clearly presented at the end of the year.

The chairman directs all expenses to be paid by the treasurer and manages the association's bank accounts and postal giro account jointly with the treasurer.

At the close of the accounts, a status showing the association's assets shall be drawn up. As far as possible, the status shall be sent to the members before the annual meeting. 

The books and inventories are audited at least once a year in connection with the closing of the annual accounts as of December 31. The auditors are otherwise entitled to check cash books and inventories at any time during the year.


Dissolution of Fjellstrand Vel can only be considered at an extraordinary annual meeting that has been convened with at least 1 - one - month's written notice. Dissolution can only be adopted by at least 2/3 majority of those present.

Vellet's properties, buildings and other assets accrue to Nesodden municipality in return for the municipality's commitment to use these on Fjellstrand.


Consideration of the articles of association takes place at ordinary or extraordinary annual meetings. Amendments to the Articles of Association require at least a 2/3 majority.

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